Thursday, August 25, 2016

Welcome to the Fall 2016 Semester

Welcome to the revived IR Blog! I hope the Fall 2016 semester is starting out well for everyone.

My name is Professor Lai and I am the Director of Undergraduate Studies for this academic year and I look forward to working with all of you. Please contact me if you have any questions about the major, Department, careers, etc.

In the coming weeks, faculty from the Political Science Department, Martha Kirby, and our undergraduate organizations will be blogging on here about a variety of topics. We will announce when blog posts are made by email and on our Facebook page.

If you have not already, please 

If you have not already done so, please take the survey of our majors at

Completing the survey enters you into a drawing to win one of two $30 Chipotle gift cards. We will hold the drawing on September 2nd.

Finally, I just wanted to let you know what career workshops we are going to do this semester.

Participants will include:

Collins Byrd, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management

Professor Tim Hagle, Associate Professor in the Political Science Department

Alexandra Stecker, BA Political Science 2016, 1L at Iowa Law School

Elaine Luthens, BA Political Science 2014, 3L at Iowa Law School, Senior Administrative Editor Journal of Gender, Race, and Justice

Abigail Molitor, BA Political Science 2012, JD 2016 University of Chicago, Law Clerk US Court of Appeals, Associate at Sidley Austin LLP

If you have not already, RSVP for this workshop here

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Participants will include

Ambassador Ron McMullen, Lecturer Political Science Department

Jeff Kueter, President UI Alumni Association and Former President George C Marshall Institute

Mackenzie Borders, Associate Intelligence Analyst, Principal Financial Group

Please RSVP for this workshop here

More information TBA